Students will gain basic troubleshooting understanding and the tools available within ExtremeCloud IQ – Site Engine to troubleshoot network outages to common end-user issues. Students have these concepts reinforced with a hands-on lab experience working with a pre-configured network.
This course is designed for individuals responsible for the overall network management using ExtremeCloud IQ – Site Engine, Extreme Analytics, Extreme Policy, and Extreme Control.
To take part and to gain the most benefit from this training, you must possess the full learning credential in ExtremeCloud™ IQ – Site Engine – Installation and Configuration. This requires completion of the training and having successfully passed the related exam.
Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the working knowledge to:
• Identify and isolate network faults
• Identify and isolate end-user issues
• Create custom alarms and reports
• Basic overview of troubleshooting
• Fault management
• Performance management
• Customizing alarms
• Customizing reports