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Students will learn to properly manage their ExtremeControl engine. Students will also deep dive into the ExtremeControl rules engine and learn to manipulate network end-systems with authorization. Extreme Policy components and structure will be looked at, as well as integration with ExtremeControl. For students without Extreme Policy capable devices, ExtremeControl policy mappings will be examined to maximize ExtremeControl’s capabilities throughout a multi-vender network. ExtremeControl integration with ExtremeAnalytics and ExtremeCloud™ IQ will also be demonstrated. Students will have these concepts reinforced with hands-on lab experience managing ExtremeControl in a preconfigured network.

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Instalation & Configuration

Online session

To deploy Extreme Networks’ Fabric Connect is the goal of the course. Students experience the deployment process from the beginning to completion learning all the essential steps and technologies. Lectures are supported equally with hands-on experience on VSPs, Universal Hardware 5520, ERS, and EXOS. Successful completion results in an operational SPBM fabric with L2VSN, L3VsN, IP Shortcuts, Fabric Attach and VIST Core Switch Pair.


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